>I was hoping someone in the know regarding the P2 meet 'n' greet in
>conjunction with Kelly Willis this weekend could tell me what's the plan.
>Where ye meeting? When? Which night? and anything else. I've been lurking
>long enough, it's time to get out in the world.
>I know this has all been covered, but I had to find out what my weekend
>was going to be like before I knew if I was going to be able to go.
I don't think it has all been covered, Jason, but I'll go ahead and suggest
that we meet at the Mercury Lounge at 7:00. Any members of the
NYC-and-surrounding-areas contingent, come on down! We can figure out then
whether we want to go grab a bite to eat or just have a drink at the
bar--I'm leaning toward the latter myself, as I'm having a late
brunch/early dinner with friends that afternoon.

It also appears likely that I'll have an extra ticket, which I will sell at
face value to anyone who needs one.

See y'all there, I hope.


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