>Has Pumpskully released a cd?

Never mind  a cd. I want a damn T-shirt!
Unfortunately, Pumpskully has no recorded material. 
I believe they are working
on one, though. CK talked to them at SXSW,
but his memory is probably a bit foggy. 

CK - asking the evocotive quesitons -
>How does a 3 man bar band have a 'side project'? 
>And what are they like?

Well, I guess in Pumpskully's world side project means
that a member of the band is sitting in the audience.
Didn't appear to be a member of Pumpskully in *Tip*
(maybe the drummer - I can't remember what he looks like).
Tip was cool, though. The drummer just played a bongo set-up.
They had a male and female singer that sang great harmonies.
I'd characterize it as stoner Southern Rock. Much mellower than
Pumpskully. No devil horns. 



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