Yeah, Neal and Jerry, I figured I would take a little heat for describing
Bad Co as the downfall of Rodgers and Ralphs.  I almost added the clause,
"even though I know Jerry loved this band" <g>...

That first album, ok.  I'll admit, the first one was incredibly listenable
and loads of people loved it, etc.  I dug it.  And it made some deserving
guys wealthy.  But after that, did any of them ever get any better?  To
me, at least (who admittedly has a soft spot for Mott and Free), it just
seems like neither one of them did work after that that was as interesting
or influential as the work they did in their earlier bands.

Although I haven't owned any Free for years, I do own some Mott albums and
actually listen to them periodically.  Whereas, I can't see myself
listening to any Bad Co, etc....  Those two are just associated with the
earlier bands in my mind, I guess.


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