On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Darren Stout wrote:

> Radney's new album isn't going to be "CMT kaka". I have only heard one
> song off of the album and it is worth the price of the disc alone. His
> new album isn't going to be promoted country radio either from what I
> have heard.

That's not surprising, 'cuz it sounds like he's left country music behind 
-- it's Radney's "adult rock" record, and no doubt the plans are to work
it to AAA radio.  Who knows, they might even like it -- it's certainly
bland enough.  I've tried to listen to it a coupla times, and have yet
to find a memorable tune.  It definitely has that nondescript, vaguely
rootsy sound favored by the adult rock crowd, and there's even a duet with
the equally nondescript Abra Moore.  I'm not sure if I'm the one to ask
about it though, 'cuz most music of that ilk bores me -- as rock music,
it's too tame, too polite, and too sterile, and as roots music it's pretty

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