Don Yates replied to Darren Stout:

> > Radney's new album isn't going to be "CMT kaka". I have only heard one
> > song off of the album and it is worth the price of the disc alone. His
> > new album isn't going to be promoted country radio either from what I
> > have heard.
> That's not surprising, 'cuz it sounds like he's left country music behind
> -- it's Radney's "adult rock" record, and no doubt the plans are to work
> it to AAA radio.

My thoughts exactly, the more I hear the record. I think he's moving over over
to that market since his last record didn't do too much sales wise, did it?
Too bad because I think LABOR OF LOVE's his best record- plenty twangy, and a
must for any Kim Richey fans out there. (She's on 5 or 6 tracks prominently)
And the new songs sounded pretty darn good in a miserable dourpour at Stubb's
the Thursday of SXSW- better than I expected, FWIW.

>  Who knows, they might even like it -- it's certainly
> bland enough.  I've tried to listen to it a coupla times, and have yet
> to find a memorable tune.  It definitely has that nondescript, vaguely
> rootsy sound favored by the adult rock crowd, and there's even a duet with
> the equally nondescript Abra Moore.  I'm not sure if I'm the one to ask
> about it though, 'cuz most music of that ilk bores me -- as rock music,
> it's too tame, too polite, and too sterile, and as roots music it's pretty
> rootless.--don.

Well, I'm not as taken with the sound of the new record as the old ones, but
if Radney finds success in the adult rock market,more power to him. He's still
got the look, anyhow. <g>


n.p. Lee Ann Womack s/t

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