On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 06:50:36PM +0000, ran...@skurelabs.com wrote:

> Is there anyway, we can send commands through milter to get list of
> all quarantined emails(in hold queue) and release emails?  We are fine
> to support postfix code changes to enable these two use cases. I would
> appreciate your help on this.

The milter should not release messages it did not quarantine, as for
messages it did quarantine, it can choose to record their queue-ids,
obviating the need to "list" quarantined messages.

Note that a message released from quarantine will be delivered to *all*
its recipients.  If you need to be able to release a message to a subset
of its recipients, you need aditional machinery to extract the message
content for delivery to just some of the pending recipients.

Please take this issue to postfix-users.  This is not a "devel" topic.


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