On Wednesday 20 August 2008 22:27, LuKreme wrote:
> On 20-Aug-2008, at 09:42, mouss wrote:
> > LuKreme wrote:
> >> I installed postfix-policyd-spf (postfix-policyd-spf-1.0.1_2 via
> >> portinstall) and added the following to master.cf and main.cf:
> >> main.cf Added
> >> check_policy_service unix:private/policy
> >> (this is immediately after reject_unauth_destination)
> >> master.cf Added
> >> policy  unix  -       n       n       -       -       spawn
> >>   user=nobody argv=/usr/local/sbin/postfix-policyd-spf
> >> Now it occurs to me that I should have rebuilt postfix with SPF
> >> support in it, so I've disabled the lines in main/master until I
> >> get some comments...
> >
> > there is no "spf support in postfix".
> Hmmm. in the config screen for the postfix port there is the line:
>   │ [ ] SPF          SPF support
> Erm... at least that was in postfix22, not sure if it's in 2.5.x

There was an unofficial patch that was the only way to do it for Postfix 2.0 
(before the policy service existed).  While that might possibly made sense in 
2003, there's no need for it for a long time.  The SPF project removed 
references to the patches from it's web site years ago.

If the BSD ports packager is including it, then they really ought to update 
their package.  Use a policy server or a milter.  There are several to choose 


Scott K

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