LuKreme wrote:
On 20-Aug-2008, at 09:42, mouss wrote:
LuKreme wrote:
I installed postfix-policyd-spf (postfix-policyd-spf-1.0.1_2 via portinstall) and added the following to and Added
check_policy_service unix:private/policy
(this is immediately after reject_unauth_destination) Added
policy  unix  -       n       n       -       -       spawn
  user=nobody argv=/usr/local/sbin/postfix-policyd-spf
Now it occurs to me that I should have rebuilt postfix with SPF support in it, so I've disabled the lines in main/master until I get some comments...

there is no "spf support in postfix".

Hmmm. in the config screen for the postfix port there is the line:

 │ [ ] SPF          SPF support

Erm... at least that was in postfix22, not sure if it's in 2.5.x

That's the third-party spf patch. It's still available in the ports.
Don't use the patch, use a policy service instead.

Noel Jones

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