Wietse Venema wrote:
Tomasz Chmielewski:
mouss schrieb:
Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
Basically, if Postfix can specify the source IP address, that should be fine for me... provided that it can make some decisions here (i.e., which outgoing interface to choose, depending on From: or Received: etc).

since you have one network card, you have one outgoing interface. Choosing among one thing would be strange outside of maths ;-p
Now I see I didn't pick the thread's title very well ;)
(should be: "multiple outgoing IP addresses").

The SMTP client's source IP address is controlled with smtp_bind_address,
otherwise it is inherited from inet_interfaces (when this specifies
one non-localhost IP address).

However, making the IP address dependent on the sender domain is
not yet implemented. This it requires a sender-dependent transport


Will the FILTER action accept an empty nexthop?

If so, maybe OP can use a check_sender_access table that returns eg. "FILTER smtp-23:" with a corresponding smtp-23 transport defined in master.cf (with -o smtp_bind_address=x.x.x.23).

NB. this will probably blow up if the recipient is local.

Noel Jones

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