Keith Palmer Jr. wrote:

> I have a directory named /home/vmail user/group vmail 5000:5000. I have
> not created any directories in this folder, I don't know if I need to or
> not... I saw something somewhere about using makemaildir.dovecot, but I
> don't have that script/binary on my FreeBSD system anywhere. said:

Note: mail delivery happens with the recipient's UID/GID privileges specified with virtual_uid_maps and virtual_gid_maps. Postfix 2.0 and earlier will not create mailDIRs in world-writable parent directories; you must create them in advance before you can use them. Postfix may be able to create mailBOX files by itself, depending on parent directory write permissions, but it is safer to create mailBOX files ahead of time.

So, try to create empty Maildirs, with UID:GID set to 5000:5000; notice that Dovecot probally shoud run with same uid and gid to access mail.

I began my virtual hosting setup with similar configuration, and the main difference was that I've created Maildirs in advance; all worked for me.

> I have a /usr/local/etc/postfix/vhosts file which looks like:
> ----------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------
Even if return value of hash table isn't used by Postfix, it still has to be specified (anything will do). So your domain file should look like:

----------------------------------------    OK    OK

> I can telnet to port 25 and send an e-mail. I don't know where that e-mail > goes. If I run postqueue -p it shows nothing in the queue. If I run mailq,
> I can see the e-mails but I can't tell what it's doing with them (and I
> don't really know anything about the mailq command).
And what is said in the log file? What says 'postqueue -p'?

> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
> alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
This way aliasing will work only for local domains; for virtual domains use virtual_alias_maps (even for virtual_mailbox_domains)

> home_mailbox = Maildir/

home_mailbox also needed only for local domains - is used by 'local' delivery agent, when users are clearly tied with unix accounts (user's mail will be delivered to ~/$home_mailbox)

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