Göran Höglund a écrit :
> Hi
> Sorry my fault! I did change the original listname and made an error in
> the snippet.
> Here is the correct errorlog:
> Feb  8 13:06:05 apollo postfix/smtpd[12115]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> unknown[]: 550 5.1.1 <test_...@telemar.se>: Recipient
> address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table;
> from=<goran.hogl...@telemar.se> to=<test_...@telemar.se> proto=ESMTP
> helo=<[]>
> And my alias file looks as below. It seems as if Postfix ignores this
> alias file or do I need to define a mailbox for the list, I have lost
> track here.

alias_maps is only used for local domains (domains listed in
mydestination). but telemar.se is listed in virtual_mailbox_maps.

if you want to use alias_maps, you need to use virtual_alias_maps to
pass the addresses to a domain that is listed in mydestination
(localhost?). note that virtual won't execute commands, so you can't
simply put your aliases in virtual_alias_maps. you need a two-steps
process (first to pass mail to a local domain, and then use alias_maps
to exec mailman).

a better idea is to use a dedicated domain, say lists.telemar.se. you
can then simply list this domain in mydestination, and alias_maps will
do the rest.

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