
I would appreciate any advice anyone can offer on how best to achieve this behavior:

I am trying to figure out the best way to map one domain to another with the same users...precisely the behavior I am trying to achieve is: when mail is sent (from outside, or from another user within my postfix installation) to u...@domain1.tld I want it redirected to u...@domain2.tld - in otherwords, the user is preserved, but the domain is translated/ rewritten. To be more specific:

us...@domain1.tld gets re-routed to us...@domain2.tld
us...@domain1.tld gets re-routed to us...@domain2.tld

and so on.

My initial guess is to use recipient_canonical_maps and use a pcre map:

/^(.*)@domain1.tld/   {$1)@domain2.tld

I don't see a way to achieve this with alias_maps and header_checks (with action REDIRECT) would miss messages sent to u...@domain1.tld where that is not the To: or Cc: address (such as list mail).

Really, I am just checking with experts more knowledgeable than I whether I have chosen a good (or the best) way to achieve this, or if there is a better way.

Any advice and help are much appreciated!



Jeff Weinberger

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