Bryce Nesbitt a écrit :
> Here is try two at the end of line comment script for /etc/aliases.  Can
> anyone do this more elegantly?
> #!/bin/sh
> # Created so we can have end of line comments in /etc/aliases
> sed 's/#.*$//;/^$/d' < /etc/aliases > /tmp/aliases_tmp ;
> /usr/sbin/sendmail -bi -oA/tmp/aliases_tmp ; mv /tmp/aliases_tmp.db
> /etc/aliases.db
> Wietse wrote the cryptic note "All the supported features are in the
> DOCUMENTATION.".  But I have a different question: is this as elegant as
> it gets?  Is there a more clever solution using the DOCUMENTATION
> features that is available?  Will the moving of the aliases.db cause
> other problems with postfix or postalias?

you are fighting against the system. and usually at least, the system
wins and you lose.

there is no reason to prefer:

joe     jim # blah blah


# blah blah
joe      jim

or we could want

joe (blah blah)         jim (blah blah)


blah <joe> blah         blah <jim> blah

so yes, you can play a lot of shell games to support any format you
want. you can even support an xml format (well, this would be hard with
the shell...) if you like that. The only thing that counts here is that
your script generates a file that conforms with postfix specs.

note that for those of us who use an rdbms, this is a non-question.

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