Victor Duchovni wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:19:11AM -0400, Shelley Waltz wrote:
>> I have recently moved my postfix smtp to a new server and configured it
>> tha same as the previous which is several years old.  Masquerading of
>> hostnames in my domain was previously working fine, ie
>> would always translate to mydomain .edu and be
>> delivered to my smtp server.  This apparently no longer works as I have
>> messages in the queue to which report
>> masquerade_domains = !
> Not too suprising. This is quite unlikely to be "tha same" as your
> previous configuration.
there was an error in the last and original posting.
the masqerade line reads(I edited it to obscure information, but over edited)
this is how it actually looks

masquerade_domains = !

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