
I realised that testing with sendmail wasn't the best idea. After
trying it out with an smtp client (thunderbird) I found that the
server returned the following error:

Jul  4 18:18:57 mailtest postfix/smtpd[9623]: warning: specify one of
(check_client_access, check_helo_access, check_sender_access,
check_recipient_access, check_etrn_access) before End-of-data
restriction "static:discard"
Jul  4 18:18:57 mailtest postfix/smtpd[9623]: 4CDD0F6913: reject:
END-OF-MESSAGE from tecra1.local[]: 451 4.3.5 Server
configuration error; from=<srdan.du...@gmail.com>
to=<srdan.du...@hotmail.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

So I guess you can't use the 'static:discard' option with the
'smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions' parameter. I did however manage to
find a solution here[1]. Although this one is more complicated (it
involves creating a 'null' service).

Thank you for your help

[1] http://www.wiredfool.com/2002/06/11/how-to-blackhole-email-server/

2009/7/4 Srdan Dukic <srdan.du...@gmail.com>:
> The test didn't work. I tried sending a message using the sendmail
> command, going to my hotmail address, and the logs show that it did in
> fact deliver the message to the server:
> Jul  4 17:38:24 mailtest postfix/pickup[9254]: 363ABF6913: uid=1000 
> from=<srdan>
> Jul  4 17:38:24 mailtest postfix/cleanup[9258]: 363ABF6913:
> message-id=<20090704053824.363abf6...@mailtest.local>
> Jul  4 17:38:24 mailtest postfix/qmgr[9255]: 363ABF6913:
> from=<sr...@mailtest.local>, size=389, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Jul  4 17:38:25 mailtest postfix/smtp[9260]: 363ABF6913:
> to=<srdan.du...@hotmail.com>, relay=mx1.hotmail.com[]:25,
> delay=45, delays=43/0/0.8/0.46, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250
> <20090704053824.363abf6...@mailtest.local> Queued mail for delivery)
> Jul  4 17:38:25 mailtest postfix/qmgr[9255]: 363ABF6913: removed
> Also, logging in to hotmail I can confirm the message was delivered.
> After adding the lines suggested I restarted Postfix using the
> '/etc/init.d/postfix restart' command. Are there any other
> configuration parameters which could have affected this?
> Thank you
> 2009/7/4 Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org>:
>> This should work...
>> # main.cf
>> # accept anyu...@anydomain
>> relay_domains = static:ALL
>> # throw it away
>> smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = static:discard
>> # safety net
>> default_transport = discard
>> test before sending it a million messages...
>>  -- Noel Jones
> --
> Srđan Đukić

Srđan Đukić

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