Hello Everybody,

Here I am trying to configure my postfix mail server in following manner. To 
accomplish the same I have gone through so many online stuffs / documentation 
but still unable to configure it. So please help me to accomplish the same. 

I have three hosts as,

1] >> It's a virtual IP of the HA load 
2] host name) >> Having postfix mail server installed on it. 
3] host name) >> Having postfix mail server installed on it. 

Apart from this I have hosted my own JAVA application and glassfish server with 
postfix mail server on both hosts : and I have 
configured a virtual IP "" on HA load balancer server to load 
balance the incoming connections to the hosted glassfish server. Whenever 
request comes from the internet on 80 port, the request will be served by one 
of the hosts and through load balancer. Now, from 
here the postfix mail server comes in picture. A incoming request (e.g.create 
account request) comes on 80 port and it generates a welcome mail through my 
JAVA application to send it in response to the same request. The generated 
email should be delivered to the destination through host with some user authentication method. That's 
it. This is my scenario which I am trying to accomplish. So, can any one help 
me to implement it? or tell me the overall idea to accomplish the same. What to 
 do exactly? Is there any need to install and configure postfix mail server on 
each host?

Please HELP ME...!!!!

Thanks & Regards,
Manoj Burande
System Administrator
Artificial Machines Pvt Ltd. 

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