On 10/05/2010 08:35 PM, Christopher Kurtis Koeber wrote:


I have emailed about integrating my Postfix installation with Mailman and discovered that I will need to redesign my Postfix configuration to make it work. Therefore, I am asking for assistance in this task. Here is what my mailserver needs to do:

· The mail system must host the following domains

o Students.wesleyseminary.edu

o Wesleyministrynetwork.com

· Both of these domains must have mail stored on this system

· A distribution list must operate for both domains (using Mailman)

· OpenLDAP must be integrated for accounts on the students.wesleyseminary.edu domain.

· No open relaying

I have the configuration file below this message which I created which has allowed me to have the students.wesleyseminary.edu domain hosted with OpenLDAP integration but I have problems having another domain on the system and I cannot get the Mailman install to work.

It was mentioned on this list that I needed to transition to transport maps as well as using a local transport for the Mailman software but I am having trouble with those changes.

The general theory behind a listserv is that it can handle composite addresses to perform specific functionality, and have free reign over all addresses to do loop detection and the like. The trivial case to make this work properly is to use a dedicated subdomain that only handles mailing lists.

If the lists are managed by a listserv software such as mailman, you need to either use a dedicated subdomain or perform some highly specific configuration to get this to work concurrent with a normal mailbox domain. The mailman documentation should have details about what mailman expects the mail server to understand.

For postfix, this would be: http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-install/node12.html

There is a section on virtual domain setup.

Config file:

postconf -n is much more useful.


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