On 29 November 2010 01:56, Victor Duchovni
<victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 01:36:12PM -0700, ghe wrote:
>>> I run postfix and my mail clients use smtps so I was thinking I may as
>>> well close port 25.  How can I do that?
>> I'd use iptables or equivalent.
>> I have my doubts about postfix itself because I think that'd be an RFC
>> violation. So far...
> The above is nonsense. You don't have to accept traffic on port 25 of
> an MTA that is not an MX host (or whose IP is the A record) for a domain
> that needs to accept external email.

How can you know if the inbound mail is coming from an MX host?

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