Well, I am surprised by the tone of those emails. 

I am just asking
if it exists a back-end that would replace the storage and management of
the queue into mysql (i.e. put /var/spool/postfix into mysql tables).

(yes, a file system is made for storing files, but it is not at all
made to execute queries on teh file tree (hey, it is a tree! not a rdbms

On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 09:29:12 +1100, James Gray wrote: 

>> On Tue,
28 Dec 2010 12:28:57 -0500 (EST), Wietse Venema wrote: 
>>> Joan
>>>> Well, more clearly, my question is : How can I plug
Mysql as a backend of postfix to handle the mailq ?
>>> Please state the
PROBLEM instead of the SOLUTION. Wietse
> On 29/12/2010, at 8:29 AM,
Joan Moreau wrote: 
>> I am just looking for a MySQL bakcend to
replace the hard-disk storage of the postfix mailqueue. This is not a
problem, this is something I am looking for.
> (Top posting
fixed...quoting might not be - curse you Apple Mail!) So where exactly
will the MySQL backend live if not on disk?? If your qmgr is choking on
I/O, then throwing a DB at it wont help, in fact I can think of a number
of ways this will make an I/O-challenged systems WORSE. I guess you
could find some tool (or write one) that abstracts a MySQL database out
to a file system, heck, I've seen all manner of weird things abstracted
to file systems. At the end of the day, a file system is essentially an
extremely specialised DB...for storing, accessing and manipulating
files. So far the list has asked for specifics about the problem. You
keep demanding a specific solution. Without knowing anything about your
setup, what testing you've done, heck, even the version of Postfix
you're on, how do you expect us to help you? Without being rude, have a
read of http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html [1] -
specifically about half way down titled: "Be precise and informative
about your problem". Good luck, James


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