
We upgraded to a much newer version of Postfix, and have one stubborn
problem I can't seem to fix.  Any help would be much appreciated.

RedHat Linux ES4
Were using RH's postfix: postfix-2.2.10-1.2.1.el4_7
Downloaded source for 2.7.2.  Built, and did a make upgrade.

Everything appears to work fine, with one exception.

Mail addresses that begin with "om_" are sent via lmtp to Samsung Contact,
running on the same server.

Here's the line from our trans.exp file:

   /^om_.*/      lmtp:inet:opus.allegro.com:24

And, the corresponding line in main.cf:

   transport_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/trans.exp

This all worked fine with the old version.

Now, mail destined for om_* addresses get delivered to Samsung Contact, but
they hang around in the mail queue most of the time.  mailq shows entries like:

8A30B524652    35124 Thu Jan  6 11:08:31  g...@wti.com
(conversation with opus.allegro.com[] timed out while sending end of 
data -- message may be sent more than

And, eventually, the message is sent more than once.  It appears that each time 
it is sent, one more recipient
disappears off the list.  But the entire remaining list gets the message again 
when postfix reprocesses
the message.

I've tried changing a handful of lmtp_ settings, one at a time, but so far, 
nothing seems to effect
the problem.

Thanks for your help,

Steve Cooper
Allegro Consultants
(408) 252-2330 x172

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