On 19/01/2011 15:04, /dev/rob0 wrote:

Off topic, but on this subject, I am planning to implement this with
a web page, and maybe a contact form. Does anyone have a preferred
simple and yet spam-resistant means of doing this? Ideally I'd like
something that's more blind-friendly than Captcha.

I dislike graphic captchas. If they're good enough to defeat bots then they're awkward for humans. I have normal eyesight, and I find that I often have to refresh a captcha image before I can answer it. It must be considerably harder for anyone with any level of visual impairment.

My preferred option is the question and answer system, otherwise known as a Q&A captcha or gatekeeper, whereby a simple and easily answered random question is posed to the visitor and they have to answer it correctly in order to proceed. In my experience, this has a 100% success rate in defeating spambots.

The only downside of the Q&A system is that it requires the user to be reasonably fluent in the language in which the questions are posed. For that reason, it may not be appropriate if you expect to get contact form submissions from people whose first language is different to that in which your website is written.


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