Hi, My friend

I got your email address from postmaster@postfix,org

I'm from China, Sorry about my English

I learning postfix for few month, and I think it is the best mail server.

But there is some problem that I can't solve it, can you help me?

For example: ServerA and ServerB , install postfix-2.9.3 all,

They have different IP address, at different place.

Sometimes, use ServerA, send email to hotmail (for example).

Maybe it was reject or defer  by hotmail, maybe not.

In the main.cf at ServerA,  set relayhost = ServerB, it working.

So the ServerA has nothing to do

And ServerB is so busy, because all mail use it to send outside

My purpose is :

Use ServerA, try it best, send email to hotmail,

if working, very good, if not (such as reject, defer ),  then give the
email to ServerB.

Do not use ServerB all the time.

Another way

ServerA must work harder, try the best to send email.

I don’t want ServerA bounce email, and don’t want defer email more than 2

ServerB can do all things when ServerA can’t finish it’s job.

ServerB can’t send email or defer email more than 5 minutes, then bounce

How can I set conditions in the ServerA

Thank you very much


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