So, with the breakout in Postfix 2.10 for smtpd_relay_restrictions and smtpd_recipient_restrictions, I seem to have goofed in relation to RBLs and the submission port.

Right now, we have RBLs added to smtpd_recipient_restrictions. In smtpd_relay_restrictions, I have permit_sasl_authenticated.

Unfortunately, this means remote (generally mobile) email sent via the submission port is being blocked by RBLs because of their originating IP, regardless of the fact that the emails are authenticated.

Should I have RBLs in smtpd_relay_restrictions instead? Or should I have moved permit_sasl_authenticated into smtpd_recipient_restrictions? Or something else entirely?




Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
A Division of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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