Le 15/01/2013 01:23, Robert Moskowitz a écrit :
> For some users I would like to redirect spam to special addresses.
> For example, if I were to get spam (like 500/day) I would like it to
> go to rgm-s...@htt-consult.com.  My search fu is weak, and I have not
> found any guidance on this.  To further the complexity, I would have a
> mysql table for those users to have spam redirected where the table
> has the source email address and the redirect email address. Then
> Dovecot would drop the spam into this redirect account.
> I have learned that spamassasin can only tag the message as spam by
> changing the subject.  I searched messages both on their list and here
> for any discussion on this, and the postfix documentation and did not
> find any help.
> It would seem that postfix, not dovecot is the proper place to do the
> address rewriting.
> thank you.
> Oh, my wife is regularly insulted by the spam she gets.  It would
> really bring some peace in the house if she no longer saw ANY spam,
> and I did the checking once a week of a different mail account if
> there was something she should see...

here's what's done here...

- first of all, "real time" checks block mail from bad clients
(postscreen, rbl, ...).

- then content filters (amavisd with clamav and spamassin) check mail.
the results are put into headers.
if X-Spam-Flag is "YES", then the message goes to +spam extension.
the lda then puts such mail in the Junk folder of the recipient. this
folder has 3 subfolders:
- Innocent: this is to report false positives
- Spam: this is to confirm spam
- Kill: this is to escape filter training for mail that you don't want
but tat shouldn't be passed for training

spam that gets past the filter is manually checked. if it can be fixed,
good. if it can't, the source. depnding on the situation, ip, ip/24 or
domain is blocked. A date is set but no guarantee is given to unblock
the sucking sender.
oh, and spam sent to children results in total boycott (ie: it'not just
about mail).

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