Fri, 22 Mar 2013 16:55:21 -0400 (EDT) skrev Wietse Venema

> Titanus Eramius:
> > Besides this server also hosts (among others),
> > and while unknown recipients is being correctly rejected with a 550
> > when sent to, they are not when sent to the other virtual
> > domains. Instead they are accepted and then returned by the
> > MAILER_DAEMON, which in turn opens the server to backscatter.
> Where is defined: mydestination, virtual_alias_domains,
> virtual_mailbox_domains, relay_domains? It must be only one.
> This answer determines where the "known" recipients must be listed:
> local_recipient_maps, virtual_alias_maps,m virtual_mailbox_maps,
> relay_recipients. If you list the domain or recipients in the wrong
> place then mail will be rejected.
> See
>       Wietse

The goal is a "virtual only" mailserver, so the domains is stored
in MySQL and fetched through virtual_mailbox_domains. Besides
virtual_mailbox_domains, I use virtual_mailbox_maps and

The documentation is among the best documentation I have seen, but I
can't seem to find the solution, even though I have read most of what I
could find in relation to virtual handling.

One more "clue" is the error messages when sending to non-existent
users. When sending to Postfix responds with
"550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User
unknown in virtual mailbox table".

When sending to the response is only "<>:
user unknown"

Thank you for your time, Titanus

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