Thanks for response.

It is "b)" .

By "milter" do you mean filtering before queue, am i right? Because there
is a title of the page that makes
me think "milter is filtering before queue".

Am i right?

If so, as i understand, before queue filtering is something like we do
externally, independently from mail server, and this make me worry about
controlling the process on my own. But at after queue filtering i think
there is less to worry about controlling the flow of process, i hope i
could tell.

2013/12/4 Dominik George <>

> Hi,
> > Do i have to use sendmail to inject mail back, does not it become an
> > infinite loop, how can i manage this, is not there a cleaner way?
> there is still some confusion about what you are trying to achieve. I
> understand that you need to save all incoming mail, but:
>  a) is your script the final destination for the mail
> or
>  b) do you need the mail in your script for archival purposes,
>     and it shall continue its travel through the normal process
>     afterwards
> ?
> If a), then I see no need to reinject the mail.
> If b), look up how milters work.
> -nik
> --
> * mirabilos is handling my post-1990 smartphone *
> <mirabilos> Aaah, it vibrates! Wherefore art thou, demonic device??
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