
I don't know if you want to go this far as it requires slight
customization, but my setup is postfix+postfixadmin+dovecot with
owncloud providing storage (webdav), calendar (caldav), and contacts
(carddav) as well as a nice web interface if you prefer to use that.
Roundcube provides webmail as an option too.  Z-push provides a
completely seamless exchange-compatible front-end to calendar, contacts,
and email.  With the right DNS records and web-server aliases, z-push
even passes microsoft's auto-discovery tool checks.  I've got them all
integrated to use the same user/pass from the postfixadmin database.

You could even tell people it's exchange and they wouldn't know from the
front-end, and best of all it's all FOSS.  I'm not sure if a big
corporation would go for it, but it is an option.

If you want more details or example configs or anything, let me know.

Good luck!

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