On 10-12-2013 18:12, moparisthebest wrote:

I don't know if you want to go this far as it requires slight
customization, but my setup is postfix+postfixadmin+dovecot with
owncloud providing storage (webdav), calendar (caldav), and contacts
(carddav) as well as a nice web interface if you prefer to use that.
Roundcube provides webmail as an option too.  Z-push provides a
completely seamless exchange-compatible front-end to calendar, contacts,
and email.  With the right DNS records and web-server aliases, z-push
even passes microsoft's auto-discovery tool checks.  I've got them all
integrated to use the same user/pass from the postfixadmin database.

You could even tell people it's exchange and they wouldn't know from the
front-end, and best of all it's all FOSS.  I'm not sure if a big
corporation would go for it, but it is an option.

If you want more details or example configs or anything, let me know.

Good luck!

I am very interested! Please use my personal email for any hints and configs. I am working on two projects one exactly like you described above (postfix, dovecot, roundcube, postfixfadmin) but I have not got to calendaring etc yet.

The second one is more strict with postfix, dovecot, LDAP (more business oriented) but would like to experiment and adapt the calendaring also for Outlook in there.

For what is worth, after 15+ years, starting with sendmail and migrating to postfix/dovecot (as an admin) I would not even consider (non-FOSS) Exchange for a second. Executives of course know-it-all-can-do-it-all type always win! That is why I am looking into retirement the


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