Le 16/12/2013 22:05, (lists) Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I have a very strange problem with our postfix server. It has been
> working for years without problem, but suddenly we started to have
> errors with SMTP connexions from outside.
> On the client side (we tested with Thunderbird and Outlook), the
> connection lasts many minutes before showing a timeout error.
> On the server side, the logs are always the same :
>   * Dec 16 21:42:33 svrmail postfix/smtpd[8531]: connect from
>     x-x.195-178.cust.bluewin.ch[178.195.x.x]
>   * Dec 16 21:44:41 svrmail postfix/smtpd[8531]: lost connection after
>     UNKNOWN from x-x.195-178.cust.bluewin.ch[178.195.x.x]
>   * Dec 16 21:44:41 svrmail postfix/smtpd[8531]: disconnect from
>     x-x.195-178.cust.bluewin.ch[178.195.x.x]
> But the most strange point is that if I do "telnet ip_of_server 465" I
> am immediately connected, and can use normal SMTP commands.
> The configuration that used to work was :
>   * Port 465
>   * SSL/TLS
>   * Authentication : password
> Does someone has an idea about what could be the cause of such a
> strange problem ?
> Does it has something to do with SSL/TLS ?
> Really, any help or advice wi
> Denis

Are you sure your clients connect directly to postfix ?

No proxy, no anti-virus that could hijack the connection and behave
incorrectly with SSL/TLS ?

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