On 1/9/2014 4:41 PM, Alexandre Ellert wrote:
> Hi,
> I relay transactional mail for my customer's web sites.
> Each website has it's own SASL authenticated account and mail are
> sent via submission or smtps.
> But, some website doesn't verify email existence when a user submit
> a web form  or 'create an account'.
> That's why I often see my postfix relay trying to send to
> non-existing email.
> Sending again and again to non-existing mail can lowering my IP
> reputation and waste ressources that's why I need a solution.
> I can't force my customer to use some kind of email verification but
> I strongly encouraged them to do it. Most of them don't care or have
> no time/money/knowlegde to do it.
> Fisrt, I need to have some stats about outgoing mail.
> - What percentage of error 'User unknown' per account ? (Can you
> confirm that every SMTP software bounce with error '550 5.1.1'  ?)
> If someone can advice any script, I will be very grateful.
> Otherwise, i will write it myself.
> With these stats, I can then take necessary actions (lock account, …)

There are several log analysis tools listed here:

And also the excellent postfix-logwatch module, which works fine
without the logwatch framework. I don't know why this isn't listed
on the postfix site; probably because the author never requested it.

> Second, maybe additional, I think about maintain a list of 'User
> unknown' address.
> Maybe, I could implement this (example with plain text file but it
> could be SQL):
> # master.cf
> submission inet n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
>   -o
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions=check_recipient_access,hash:/etc/postfix/unknonwn_recipients,permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject
> smtps inet n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
>   -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
>   -o
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions=check_recipient_access,hash:/etc/postfix/unknonwn_recipients,permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject
> $ cat /etc/postfix/unknonwn_recipients
> bad_us...@example.com <mailto:bad_us...@example.com> REJECT Unknown user
> bad_us...@example.com <mailto:bad_us...@example.com> REJECT Unknown user

Consider how the website might react when mail is rejected. I don't
suppose they'll all show the end user a helpful message about a bad
address.  Probably need to work with your customers on this so there
are no surprises.

> And write a cron job to parse postfix logs and add 'Unknown user'
> email to  /etc/postfix/unknonwn_recipients.

You'll also need to have some method to "expire" addresses
periodically that become good at a later date, and limits to how
often an address is "probed".

Or use the built-in postfix reject_unverified_recipient function,
where those particular problems are already solved.

  -- Noel Jones

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