Peer Heinlein:
> Am 27.02.2014 20:15, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> > Fifth option (best): short queue life time, to that Postfix does
> > not give up after the first MX host failure...
> ...but to that Postfix will start having Problems with Greylistung and
> that makes Postfix bouncing mails even in case of REAL temporarily
> failures of the destination server.

How do you expect Postfix to try all MX hosts before 
deciding that none of them provides TLS?

How do you decide that the cipher offered is sufficiently
strong compared to double-rot13?

> Sixth option: Ask Wietse to implement the "postsuper -b" (bounce)
> feature and write a little Shell-Script that greps the queueu-id and
> bounces those mails manually.
> In fact, I already startet with option six. :-)

How do you expect to scale if you intend to deploy this on a national

This whole idea smells of marketing before proper technical analysis.


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