
Am 2014-09-29 18:18, schrieb Mike.:
On 9/29/2014 at 10:44 AM Mike. wrote:

|I cleaned up my pslogscan.sh script a bit.  Aside from some general
|cleanup, I did some re-formatting of the output to make it look a
|cleaner, and allow for some flexibility in display widths.  I also
|went from linear processing of multiple items to loop processing of
|those items.

Someone found a typo that the FreeBSD shell seems to be OK with, but
Debian (wheezy) dislikes.

Version 1.8 has been uploaded to

If you don't want to download, here's the description:

I fixed line 144 with :
if [ ${DeepProtocolTestsEnabled} = "no" ] ; then

instead of
if [ ${DeepProtocolTestsEnabled} == "no" ] ; then

(I guess I've been programming in c too much of late.  :) )

Thanks to AE for the bug report.

theres also an




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