On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 09:25:48AM +0300, Birta Levente wrote:

> >Perhaps some sort of middle-box is interfering with TLS on your
> >end.  Also, what version of OpenSSL are you using?

Well "your end" can be anywhere between you and the Microsoft email
hosting mail servers.

> I make a test on another server which is in totally other location, other
> city, other ISP, but same OS, openssl and postfix.3.1.20150421

Can we rule out "Great Firewall of China"-style nation level

> Apr 30 08:55:06 srv2 postfix/smtp[4367]: SSL_connect error to
> irs-ro.mail.eo.outlook.com[]:25: lost connection
> Apr 30 08:55:06 srv2 postfix/smtp[4367]: 3lcmBx5stxz7wX4:
>   Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
> Apr 30 08:55:06 srv2 postfix/smtp[4367]:
>   SSL_connect error to irs-ro.mail.eo.outlook.com[]:25:
>   lost connection

I have no problem connecting to this host with default settings.

> Apr 29 15:04:46 srv1 postfix/smtp[5398]: Untrusted TLS connection
> established to mx4.hotmail.com[]:25: TLSv1.2 with cipher
> ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 (256/256 bits)

Hotmail.com is completely separate infrastructure.  You'd need to
find other domains with a "<mumble>.mail.*.outlook.com" mailhost.
A somewhat more similar domain to test is "microsoft.com"

    $ dig +short -t mx microsoft.com
    10 microsoft-com.mail.protection.outlook.com.

Have you tried "swaks"? Or

    openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect irs-ro.mail.eo.outlook.com:25


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