> On 7 Oct 2019, at 15:50, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> Wietse Venema:
>> Gerben Wierda:
>>>> If it is chroot related, try turning off smtpd chroot in master.cf,
>>>> and do "postfix reload?.
>>> Indeed, it is. If I turn chroot from y to n, I get my logging.
>> Great. Do you insist on chroot? If so, does MacOS have strace or
>> ktrace? Maybe you can find out if there is a difference in system
>> call results with/without chroot, like some missing file.
> Turns out it is not hard to create the postlog client socket early
> (i.e. before chroot). I drafted some code during my train commute,
> neds to be cleaned up and tested. Maybe that will be sufficient
> to make logging work on MacOS.

That sounds like a plan. For the time being I will run non-chrooted (postfix is 
pretty secure after all).

> (A different approach, inheriting the postlog client socket from
> the master, would have better guarantees of working, but would
> require some invasive changes in the master-child interface, plus
> changes in the postlog client code.)
>> I can't comment on MacOS hostname lookup architecture. 

I too have no idea. Might also require some sort of socket access in the 
runtime libraries.

There were instructions to copy /etc/services and /etc/hosts to the chroot root 
(which I did). The first one suggests something with DNS.


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