Quick question please:

Which does Postfix run first - a milter specified in smtpd_milters or
a check_policy_service in smtpd_recipient_restrictions?

milters is run after check policy service, to keep performance at top

Thank you sir...

I just found this too which helped: https://groups.google.com/g/mailing.postfix.users/c/3vGc-RMYV94/m/W3xYtyiovQcJ

"...The Milter comes after smtpd/cleanup. Wietse"

So in my config above, the SPF policy is run before OpenDKIM milter is called.


...if multiple milters are called are they run in order specified?

smtpd_milters           = inet:,inet:

I.e. in the example above if OpenDMARC is to see and trust an already-run OpenDKIM Authentication-Results header is the order of specifying the milters important?


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16

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