Please read CVE-2019-20790, and tell me you’ve found a way to tell PyPolicyd not to trust the SMTP HELO to generate a passing AR header.

This is possibly off-topic for the Postfix list... maybe not.

…with tongue in cheek, I’ll take all the discussion about mail filtering over any about political correctness that’s happened this year.  That said, if people feel this is off topic, nudge me privately and I’ll take a hint.

Ditto - perhaps some of these comments are better placed at

Re the risk from the CVE to my setup...

I run policyd-spf as a postfix check_policy with reject on fail (on both HELO and MAILFROM), and assuming a mail gets past that (99% do), I then use that Pass along with OpenDKIM and OpenDMARC to contribute to Spamassassin scoring. My DMARC Spamassassin rules do not apply a -ve on a pass, only a +ve on a fail.

The impact of a false pass from DMARC (particularly as our Webmail system - Horde - does not show any added trust for a dmarc pass) would be failure to apply a negative Spamassassin score from a the missed DMARC fail. With my mail setup and users the impact of that is probably manageable... but agreed it is not ideal.

What concerns me as much as anything is that each of the apps' devs in question (pypolicyd-spf and opendmarc) are each pointing at each other :-/
"my belief that the issue here is a DMARC processor failing to do alignment validation correctly"
"Honestly, this CVE seems more to belong to py-policyd than OpenDMARC."

What would be nice would be if the two of you worked together on coming up with a fix...

The upcoming 1.4.1 will have a more detailed explanation of the CVE in question as we go over the decisions that we made in taking action on this.

My logic in writing up the CVE summary was: OpenDMARC is following the protocols as designed.  If an earlier milter in the chain says SPF passed, it doesn’t feel right to pick that apart and say “but did it really?”

This is (IMO) flawed reasoning. Hear me out... :)

The *sole* scope of pypolicyd-spf is *SPF* validation at the SMTP transaction point. RFC7208 recommends that SPF verifiers check both HELO and MAIL FROM (2.3), and pypolicyd-spf provides users with the ability to choose whether to do MAIL FROM only or also HELO. Out of the box it aligns with RFC 7208's recommended approach, checking both. There is nothing in the SPF RFC which says *for the purposes of SPF* that either HELO or MAIL FROM validation is more or less valid than the other. As defined in SPF, both are valid. We know SPF is not perfect, which is why it has been extended and added to by things like DMARC... but remember this is at the moment *solely in context of an SPF policy agent*.

Pypolicyd-spf then tags what has driven the result for later use:
Apr 3 11:19:23 emp87 policyd-spf[1336326]: prepend Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (mailfrom) Apr 2 12:32:51 emp87 policyd-spf[1255235]: prepend Authentication-Results:; spf=pass (helo)

Whether or not MTAs upstream have enforced matches of hostname to EHLO, Pypolicyd-spf is meeting its defined brief. Whether or not you think "trusting HELO is insane" it is clearly a valid interpretation of the SPF RFC for an SPY policy agent to assign a pass based on HELO. It is *not* "a bad authentication results header" if pypolicyd-spf tags as such (quotes from,

1. Setting pypolicyd to HELO_Reject = No_Check. RFC7208 indicates that MAILFROM and HELO are both equally valid for an SPF result, *BUT* the vast majority of my SPF checks trigger pass or fail on MAILFROM (I've had 3 spf HELO passes in 10 days on HELO, thousands on MAILFROM). Testing pypolicyd-spf with HELO_reject = No_Check results in spf=none for those. Removing the HELO check means that OpenDMARC can assume any spf result it is given is based on MAILFROM.

RFC7489 Section 4.1:  "DMARC uses the result of SPF authentication of the MAIL FROM identity.”

If we’re processing SPF ourselves, this is true.  (The SPF RFC calls HELO checking optional).  If we’re parsing an earlier added header (perhaps added by a border MX), we prioritize spf=pass over other decisions.  (Perhaps this is wrong to do).

With regard to OpenDMARC, we *could* add a check on an earlier SPF header that checks *ONLY* the mail-from identity in a received-spf header.  This might be a better response to the CVE for future code, but at the very least right now a workaround and a statement is warranted.

So now we come to DMARC.

The DMARC RFC7489 says at 3.1 about SPF:
"while [SPF] can authenticate either the domain that appears in the
   RFC5321.MailFrom (MAIL FROM) portion of [SMTP] or the RFC5321.EHLO/
   HELO domain, or both"

...acknowledging that a valid SPF pass can be based on HELO.

It then says (4.1) that DMARC *must only use SPF MAIL FROM* authentication:
 "DMARC uses the result of SPF authentication of the MAIL FROM identity"

pypolicyd-spf is giving OpenDMARC the necessary information to check whether this is achievable. Look at my example log entries as noted above with the prepend headers:
 spf=pass (mailfrom)
 spf=pass (helo)

OpenDMARC has the information needed to make an informed decision on whether the SPF pass which has been made earlier can actually be used in alignment with the DMARC RFC (i.e. based on MAIL FROM) or should be ignored (i.e. based on HELO). If OpenDMARC stops parsing at "spf=pass" how is that an issue with anything other than OpenDMARC? The DMARC RFC *explicitly* says that DMARC must only use an SPF authentication of MAIL FROM - It does not say that DMARC should trust an spf=pass.

Your comment: "we *could* add a check on an earlier SPF header that checks *ONLY* the mail-from identity in a received-spf header" strikes me as being the sensible fix. In fact, if OpenDMARC is *NOT* checking against only an SPF MAILFROM pass, perhaps you can enlighten me on how it is compliant with RFC7489 4.1?

In turn, that could lead users to point at an SPF=pass in a previous A/R or received-spf header, and complain that we’re still rejecting.  It could also lead OpenDMARC to add its own SPF A/R header with a different result than a previous one, which could greater complicate things down the chain.  Which header does a downstream filter (say, Spamd) believe?

Again - spf=pass is not the issue.

Rejecting based on an SPF policy such as -all is carefully cautioned when used with DMARC (RFC7489 10.1).  Since SPF is broken by pretty much every mailing list, and mailing lists are not SPF aware (but some ARE dmarc aware), using py-policyd to reject is probably not a great idea anyway, since as far as I know py-policyd doesn’t know how to check if a _dmarc record also exists.

Not true.

I currently reject SPF on fail, am on dozens of mailing lists without issue (I should say without *SPF* issues... ignoring issues like the OpenDMARC mailing list's use of deprecated TLS protocols). I usually get spf=none from those. I currently have only 1 dumb domain in my SPF skip-check whitelist (I've contacted them, no change). On my small server this results in (after extensive postscreen activity dropping about 90% of connection attempts) typically 2 or 3 SPF rejects a day (out of 300 to 500 emails. Of those, maybe 1 every three or four weeks is a false positive. Yes I could accept and pass further down the line for evaluation and e.g. DMARC tagging - I choose not to.

Your interpretation of RFC7489 10.1 is also flawed (again IMO)...

"Some receiver architectures might implement SPF in advance of any
   DMARC operations.  This means that a "-" prefix on a sender's SPF
   mechanism, such as "-all", could cause that rejection to go into
   effect early in handling, causing message rejection before any DMARC
   processing takes place.  Operators choosing to use "-all" should be
   aware of this."

That places the onus on domain owners, not receivers. It acknowledges that some receivers do SPF before DMARC and that may result in rejection before DMARC - it then cautions Operators to be aware of that risk. It is entirely valid under the SPF RFC for a receiver to reject messages based on an SPF Fail (RFC7208 G.2)... and I choose to do so before I get to DMARC.

Our advice to the administrators is to carefully evaluate the behavior of this software — be aware that this is a failure mode, and act accordingly.

I don’t use py-policyd, so I don’t know what else it can be used to do (for example, if it’s a general purpose wrapper like Amavis is).  I don’t feel that we should be writing documentation or suggesting specific configuration knobs for software we didn’t put out.

The CVE response is visible in the SECURITY folder in our github on the “develop” branch.  This specific callout will probably also be in the RELEASE NOTES, which we’re still writing.

Fundamentally I agree with Scott Kitterman here (

"If you look at you can see
that both HELO and Mail From are treated as first class inputs to check_host().

From a specification perspective, the result needs to consider what identity it relates to, which is why I think ***a DMARC processor that assumes any reported
SPF result relates to the Mail From of the message is buggy***.

Scott K" (***emphasis added***)


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16

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