On Wed, 3 Nov 2021, post...@ptld.com wrote:

 Just a FYI programs that change the firewall like fail2ban and sshguard
 can put a high burdern on the server in the event your firewall blocks
 a large amount of IP space AND you are on a very limited CPU.

 Touching the firewall can lock out the server for seconds as the firewalld
 I assume
 creates some efficient table of IP space to block. Once the firewall is
 established it isn't much of a CPU load but changing the inputs to it
 does burden the CPU.

Have you checked out ipset? It is fast and light weight, allowing you to add/remove IP's to block without touching the firewall (no restart/reload) or having to change rules. Ipset is integrated into the kernel, you just add a one time rule to your firewall to block anything contained by ipset. One of ipset's features is auto expire time limits, you can tell it to ban an IP between 1 second to 3 weeks, or no timer and ban until the IP is manually removed.

With nftables (which unfortunately does not combine with ipset, which was a great tool indeed), blocking an ip/range is effectively an immediate action.

My fail2ban block script does "nft add element inet filter fail2ban { <IP> }", where fail2ban is a "set" (in the terminology of nftables).


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