It's still on an experimental branch... but who knows, maybe someone
has a "big production deployment" :) people are strange (like the
folks who deployed PostGIS 0.1 in Solothurn, right Horst?)

You might want to at least try it and see... the two days you invest
in research are probably well worth it when you're looking at 6-figure
deployment costs down the line to go with Oracle. Why not benchmark
them both, while you're at it? Again, a week of testing to confirm a
huge purchasing decision, not a big investment when placed against the
risks of choosing and having to manage balky technology.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Sebastian E. Ovide
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Pierre Racine <>
> wrote:
>> >We do not know yet.. it could be even hundreds !
>> WKT Raster is not really limited in size. But we still have to test on
>> datasets the size you are using.
> Are you aware of any production deployment ? I mean... any big deployment...
>> If you save extra money by not having buying an Oracle license and you are
>> interested in collaborating in the development of WKT Raster, let us know
>> ;-)
> why not ? need first to convince the board that WKT can compete with
> Oracle... ;-)
> --
> Sebastian E. Ovide
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