Does anyone know how to import sql table or shape file to postgres database 
What I did before is:
I have shpe file save in C:/users
I go to terminal in linux, and go to the directory C:/users 
C:/users shp2pgsql shapefile.shp > sqlfile.sql
I will get sql file saved into c:/users directory. I open the sql file copy all 
the sql query. After that I open postgres database, and paste all the query to 
sql query window, and run the query. I will have new table appear in the 
Sometimes the sql table is too large, that I cannot paste them all in the 
postgres sql query window. Postgres is always get stuck because of the query is 
too large.For instance I have road dataset of whole contry, and it has really 
millions of queries. Is there any way to import shape file or sql table to 
Postgres database automatically without any manual work? 
I am now developing a application in php. In php, is there method to import a 
sql table or shape file to Postgres automatically? I know with php there is way 
to connect postgres and run the query.
$query 1="import sql table to postgres";
pg_query($query1) or die ('query1 failed'. pg_last_erro());
Is there any query could import sql table to postgres automatically? 
Thanks a lot:)
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