Hi Ben,

What you want are single sided, open buffers - or one could also call it "ST_Parallel(the_geom,distance)". This doesn't exist yet in Postgis, though I believe that geos (the underlying geometry engine) already supports it (at least the single-sided buffer - not sure about the open buffers).

See http://geos.osgeo.org/doxygen/classgeos_1_1operation_1_1buffer_1_1BufferBuilder.html - there is a bufferLineSingleSided function available.

So I believe that the single sided part would be a matter of exposing the geos functionality in Postgis - the "open buffer" part would be perhaps more work.


On 12/23/2010 04:56 AM, Ben Madin wrote:
Thanks Brent,

Happy Christmas / New Year to you as well!

On 23/12/2010, at 2:07 PM, pcr...@pcreso.com wrote:

ST_Translate() is the simplest, but if your lines are horizontal you may want a 
Y shift as well?

Lines are roads, so they go every which way.

Having done this, I suggest you also use ST_reverse() to reflect the direction 
is now going the other way (unless it already is :-)

For more complex shifting of features, probably overkill in your case, see
This might be what I am after, but I was thinking of somehow translating each 
segment parallel to it's current alignment and then rejoining with a nice 
smooth curve... kind of like a 1-sided buffer.



--- On Thu, 12/23/10, Ben Madin<li...@remoteinformation.com.au>  wrote:

From: Ben Madin<li...@remoteinformation.com.au>
Subject: [postgis-users] Shifting linestrings left
To: "PostGIS Users Discussion"<postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net>
Date: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 3:13 PM

G'day all,

I have a problem where I am trying to show the route of livestock movements, 
but I am loosing information when the travel along the same road in different 
directions (ie in some cases they travel from a saleyard to a feedlot, then 
back to the saleyard after a period). The roads they travel along are single 

Is there a way to 'shift' the linestring to the left - after all, that would be 
sensible side of the road to drive on...



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