Is this just a visualization issue?  You could store copies of the the
road line with attribute data indicating direction or have a separate
table with foreign keys to the geography and the direction data.

Then, you just symbolize differently based on the attributes.  Offset
the symbology not the geometry.  This is more correct, it preserves
the information about the actual road on which they travel.  Showing
direction of travel is strictly a symbology issue.


On Dec 22, 9:13 pm, Ben Madin <> wrote:
> G'day all,
> I have a problem where I am trying to show the route of livestock movements, 
> but I am loosing information when the travel along the same road in different 
> directions (ie in some cases they travel from a saleyard to a feedlot, then 
> back to the saleyard after a period). The roads they travel along are single 
> linestrings.
> Is there a way to 'shift' the linestring to the left - after all, that would 
> be sensible side of the road to drive on...
> cheers
> Ben
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