The more I think about it, is this a job for R? I know I need to start using
R at some point, just haven't begun yet.


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Aren Cambre <> wrote:

> Suppose you have a geometry type with a multipoint. How would you calculate
> the variance of the points in that multipoint?
> I looked through the PostGIS 1.5 function reference and am not coming up
> with any easy way.
> A hard way seems to be using st_centroid(multipoint) to find the
> multipoint's  center. From there, I can calculate the distance of each point
> from its center, and use that towards calculating the variance (each
> distance is squared, all squared distances are added together, then divide
> by number of points).
> I guess my ultimate need is to measure relative dispersion of multipoints.
> The multipoints that have the most dispersion are suspect, but I need a way
> of identifying which ones are like this.
> Aren
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