Just wanted to again say thanks for this help from last May.

It turns out that my problem was that I was inadvertently geocoding some
state highway mile markers to US highways and vice versa. The dataset that
identified the events didn't well-distinguish between them...until I found a
field named "str1" (what a descriptive name!!) that provided the highway
designation more clearly.

After getting that fixed, the upper end of the variance on my geocoding
dropped sharply.


On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Aren Cambre <a...@arencambre.com> wrote:

> Thank you!
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Stephen Woodbridge <
> wood...@swoodbridge.com> wrote:
>> Aren,
>> Your purposed approach sounds reasonable to me. You can do it all in one
>> query like:
>> select c.gid, sum(c.dist*c.dist)/count(*) as variance
>>  from (
>>    select b.gid, b.cent, st_distance(b.geom, b.cent) as dist
>>      from (
>>        select a.gid, (st_dump(a.the_geom)).geom as geom,
>> centroid(a.the_geom) as cent
>>          from (
>>            select 99 as gid, 'MULTIPOINT(1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5)'::geometry as
>> the_geom
>>            union all
>>            select 88 as gid, 'MULTIPOINT(1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,3 5,9
>> 9)'::geometry as the_geom
>>            ) as a
>>        ) as b
>>    ) as c
>>  group by gid order by variance desc;
>> You should be able to replace the select...union all select ... with your
>> table of multipoints.
>> -Steve W
>> On 5/27/2011 6:19 PM, Aren Cambre wrote:
>>> Did anyone have thoughts on this? :-)
>>> Aren
>>> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Aren Cambre <a...@arencambre.com
>>> <mailto:a...@arencambre.com>> wrote:
>>>    The more I think about it, is this a job for R? I know I need to
>>>    start using R at some point, just haven't begun yet.
>>>    Aren
>>>    On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Aren Cambre <a...@arencambre.com
>>>    <mailto:a...@arencambre.com>> wrote:
>>>        Suppose you have a geometry type with a multipoint. How would
>>>        you calculate the variance of the points in that multipoint?
>>>        I looked through the PostGIS 1.5 function reference and am not
>>>        coming up with any easy way.
>>>        A hard way seems to be using st_centroid(multipoint) to find the
>>>        multipoint's  center. From there, I can calculate the distance
>>>        of each point from its center, and use that towards calculating
>>>        the variance (each distance is squared, all squared distances
>>>        are added together, then divide by number of points).
>>>        I guess my ultimate need is to measure relative dispersion of
>>>        multipoints. The multipoints that have the most dispersion are
>>>        suspect, but I need a way of identifying which ones are like this.
>>>        Aren
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