On Tuesday 17 July 2012 14:47:59 Felix Kunde wrote:
> Hello PostGIS - Community
> for everybody who is interested in storing 3D city models
> based on the OGC standard CityGML in an DBMS, I would like
> to annouce the release of the 3D City Database for PostGIS.
> Further information, software downloads and the
> source code repository can be found at:
> http://opportunity.bv.tu-berlin.de/software/projects/3dcitydb-imp-exp/
> or on the official homepage of the 3D City Database http://www.3dcitydb.net
> (will be updated soon).
> The relational schema and a tool to import and export
> CityGML documents were developed by the Institute for
> Geodesy and Geoinformation Science (IGG) at the
> Technische Universität Berlin for the last five years.
> It is free software under the GNU Lesser General Public
> License Version 3.0.
> Until now it could only be used on an Oracle Spatial DBMS.
> Last fall I came to the developers asking if I could write
> my Master's thesis about the possibilities to port their
> open source software to the open source DBMS PostGIS.
> Well, it was possible and now I'm really curious about
> some reactions of interested users. I'm still "relatively"
> new to spatial database so I can't say if I have programmed
> the scripts and java-code in the best way. At least comparing
> performance tests to the Oracle version looked very good ;)
> I would also like to thank the developers of PostGIS.
> Your hard work on PostGIS 2.0 made this all possible.
> I'm looking forward to the next releases, especially
> the 3D stuff.
> Have a nice day!
> Felix
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Very interesting, I'm looking forward to learn more about it, have a great 
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