#3687: I18N not working in P2 (custom instance)
 Reporter:  Nop        |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…                
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  new                           
 Priority:  major      |   Milestone:                                
Component:  potlatch2  |     Version:  2.0                           
 Keywords:  i18n       |  

Comment(by Andy Allan):

 I see "GPS-Daten" "Meine Tracks" and "Clear" on your instance, as I would

 Also only some parts of the interface have been i18n-ised, so I would
 expect much of it to be in English. Let's use this ticket to figure out
 why you are seeing [Object object] and I am not. Do you see the same thing
 on a different browser / machine? Is it a caching issue (try flushing your
 flash cache)?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3687#comment:1>
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