On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Andy, Tom and I were holed up in my study this weekend hacking on P2. (Pic
> at http://opengeodata.org/ !)

Awesome. Some comments and things I've noticed:

- I think the POI+caption side panel is more user-friendly, but maybe
an option for icon only?
- The "Show all [v]" button is ok, but would IMHO work better as a
"More..." sort of icon at the bottom/right of the list rather than the
- Maybe we should start having short and long names for POIs. (eg,
Pool/Swimming pool, Convenience/Small convenience store,
Landmark/Navigation mark) Show the long name on mouseover, and on the
simple editor.
- Can the POI captions wrap? They're cropping pretty badly...
- My tram route patch: icon is broken when there is a tram route on a
way. (Not sure if my fault or not)
- Round way nodes are nice, but consider using square ones as a
contrast (maybe junction nodes?)
- Startup time is phenomenal.
- There should be an icon to open the history dialogue.

BUG: somewhat reproducible:
1) Drag a POI icon like Supermarket over Bakery, then drop it on the map
2) Simple editor opens
3) Click elsewhere on the map
4) POI panel opens again. Sometimes some of the icons that were
dragged over don't display - just text with no icon. (Mousing over
them restores the icon)

Btw for the curious check out


> Quick summary of what was achieved:
> - FileBank to allow all images/config files to be stored in a .zip, so you
> can load one assets file per P2 instance rather than 300 or so. Should be
> live on osm.org in the next few days.
> - Remove legacy Yahoo code
> - Refactor Importer code and allow local files (.gpx, .kml, .osm,
> shapefiles) to be loaded, including zipped
> - Cartography improvements
> - Move more components to Spark
> - P1-style history dialogue
> - Rework drag-and-drop UI
> - More parameters available for custom installs
> - Merged a bunch of Steve's recent work (thanks!)
> - Refactor dialogue boxes into dialogs/ directory
> - Lots of little bug-fixes and speed improvements
> cheers
> Richard
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