Andy, Tom and I were holed up in my study this weekend hacking on P2.
(Pic at !)
Quick summary of what was achieved:
- FileBank to allow all images/config files to be stored in a .zip, so
you can load one assets file per P2 instance rather than 300 or so.
Should be live on in the next few days.
- Remove legacy Yahoo code
- Refactor Importer code and allow local files (.gpx, .kml, .osm,
shapefiles) to be loaded, including zipped
- Cartography improvements
- Move more components to Spark
- P1-style history dialogue
- Rework drag-and-drop UI
- More parameters available for custom installs
- Merged a bunch of Steve's recent work (thanks!)
- Refactor dialogue boxes into dialogs/ directory
- Lots of little bug-fixes and speed improvements
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