Hi all,

I didn't get any response to this. Could someone please have a look at
this branch? I put quite a lot of work into this, and it's a pretty
useful tool - especially since we're about to do a huge amount of
remapping in some areas.

Or should I just submit a pull request?


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I've cleaned up, improved and reworked my old magic_roundabout
> patch, and rebased it off the current master. It's a pretty cool piece
> of code, but there's quite a lot of it. Previously there were some
> issues with how it dealt with undo/redo, but I've reworked that now.
> https://github.com/stevage/potlatch2/tree/magic_roundabout2
> Here's the introduction I wrote for it originally:
> ----
> Introducing the amazing Magic Roundabout tool. This tool creates a
> roundabout from scratch. To use it, start drawing a way from the node
> that will be at the centre of your roundabout. The length of the way
> you're drawing determines the radius of the roundabout. Press 'M'.
> Bam! In one hit, it:
> 1) Creates a circular way of the appropriate size and location, with
> an appropriate (?) number of nodes.
> 2) Creates junctions wherever it hits any other roads
> 3) Determines the most appropriate highway=* tag (the "highest" of any
> of the roads that it touches.
> 4) Sets those tags, plus junction=roundabout
> 5) Splits any ways that ran from the central node across the roundabout
> 6) Removes the interior half of those ways.
> What it doesn't do:
> 1) Have a particularly newbie-friendly interface (currently "A" for
> magic roundabout - open to ideas)
> 2) Do anti-clockwise roundabouts
> 3) Do composite undo.
> 4) Handle any special cases. (I haven't really looked. It's 3am. The
> undo stuff confused me greatly.)
> ----
> Improvements:
> Did do:
> 6) Now handles a wider variety of cases, so it almost always ends up
> with clear space inside the roundabout.
> Didn't do:
> 3) Now it's a well-behaved card-carrying member of the composite undo society.
> 4) Now it handles various special cases, and seems pretty solid.
> Included in this patch is also another tool, on which Magic Roundabout
> relies: "Make Junctions":
> 1) Select a way that crosses some other road/railway ways
> 2) Press "J"
> 3) All missing junctions between the two ways are detected and created.
> Now, the git history of this branch is a bit messy, so I'm open to
> suggestions on what to do next. There were files touched in the branch
> (notably, autocomplete.as) which were totally irrelevant. I've undone
> these changes, but they're still in the history. (I did experiment
> with removing them with git filter-branch but it got a bit scary...)
> So, would anyone mind having a look at the new, improved version, and
> suggesting any improvements? Then, hopefully we can get it into the
> main branch.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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