I have been meaning to do this for a long time. Finally...

And if I need to do this differently please let me know what I need to do. 

This is not a complete list but it is a good start.

Part 1: Things to Fix 

Incorrect tag: 
amenity = swimming_pool
Should be:
leisure = swimming_pool

Rendering of tiles should be updated to reflect the changes to the default 
Mapnik rendering of OSM. For example when editing in Potlatch motorways should 
no longer be blue and primary roads should no longer be red...etc.

Missing Presets (drag & drop icons):
amenity = fast_food (previously existed but disappeared?)
shop = variety 
shop = furniture 
...and several other shops 

Part 2: Would be nice to have 

• Validation on upload 
• Copy and paste (including multiple selections); Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V
• Rotate (I often switch to the ID editor in order to do this to buildings 
after copying and pasting)
• Mirror 

I do 95% of my edits in Potlatch. I still prefer it to the ID editor even with 
all the improvements that have been made since it was introduced; however 
Potlatch could really use a major upgrade to Version 3.0!

David J Wisbey 
Your Village Maps 

Sent from my iPhone

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