FWIW - right now I can connect to the public IPv4 address for 
nc.emanuel-loos.eu <http://nc.emanuel-loos.eu/> (, only the 
onion service @ 
 is responding. The public IPv4 address refuses connections.

Assuming the onion service points to the same apache2 backend and it actually 
works beyond just loading the login page, this would seem to point to an issue 
with your pound instance - maybe it is no longer running due to a crash or you 
stopped it deliberately. Once you verify it is running, you could also try to 
attach an strace to pound's PID to see what is happening when you make a 
request to it and/or when it is hammering your CPU like you mentioned below.


P.S. Kudos to you for being aware of the power of self-hosting and trying to 
learn more about it. It feels like an overlooked concept with younger 
generations so it’s refreshing to see sentiments like yours

> On Aug 19, 2021, at 13:34, Emanuel Loos via pound <pound@apsis.ch> wrote:
> Am 19.08.21 um 21:39 schrieb Emanuel Loos via pound:
>> If it helps: The backend is an apache2 web server with a lot of PHP 
>> (Nextcloud) and also available on this Tor Onion Service:
>> http://jlw3fkl2xecpqarvz3qavyl7d7m43j5swxjskofhtdgb6f2cfp2cccid.onion
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Emanuel Loos
>> Am 19.08.21 um 21:02 schrieb Emanuel Loos via pound:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: pound <pound-boun...@apsis.ch> On Behalf Of Emanuel Loos via pound
>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 10:34 AM
>>>> To: pound@apsis.ch
>>>> Cc: Emanuel Loos <m...@mailing-lists.emanuel-loos.eu>
>>>> Subject: Re: [pound] PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR in Firefox and ERR_CONNECTION 
>>>> refused in Chromium but lynx works
>>>> Hello the third time,
>>>> just reporting that for some reason Pound just started using the full CPU 
>>>> power on one core:
>>>>     PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM ZEIT+ BEFEHL
>>>>    3590 root      20   0 1274244  16664   3144 R  99,3   0,1 37:35.29 pound
>>>> it is not a problem for me right now as it is a small private server doing 
>>>> not much else (except sending this email) right now but I don't thing that 
>>>> is how it should be. Anyway I think I'll still keep Pound running (or 
>>>> maybe restart it) for now so if anyone wants to help me with my problem 
>>>> Pound is online and the problem can investigated easier.
>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>> Emanuel Loos
>>>> Am 19.08.21 um 17:00 schrieb Emanuel Loos via pound:
>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>> just wanted to add that with curl this happens:
>>>>> emanuel@devuan-emanuel:~$ curl
>>>>> https://nc.emanuel-loos.eu/index.php/login
>>>>> curl: (92) HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err
>>>>> 1)
>>>>> I left Pound running on my server so as long as there is no crash
>>>>> (like when trying to connect using Firefox or Chromium but not lynx or
>>>>> curl) it should stay online. You are welcome to test it yourself if it
>>>>> helps.
>>>>> Anyone got an idea what the problem could be or how to debug it further?
>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>> Emanuel Loos

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